Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ow's poem in 2004

P by Ow
[hehe I'm the one who thought of the title]
In winter’s dry
I can still taste what I’ve almost bitten
Sorry to have felt warm
Didn’t [think] it wasn’t offered

Now I’m thinking, thinking.
Have I not thought enough?
There’s a feeling, creeping
That I have felt too much.

Rain’s pouring down,
That wasn’t me I say
Who cares anyway?
Before long it will be shining again
Then maybe we’ll see more clearly
Even the space between

Now I’m thinking, drinking
All I’ve said before
Yet there’s a feel of choking
What I still haven’t set forth

As I close my eyes to rest
The sun of my summer sets
But there’s some comfort in the dark
Making me wish to completely turn away

So I’m thinking, thinking
Is that what I want?
Do I choose to forget
Like it’s worth a regret?

In the times that come
I may dwell on the dears
I’ve soared and crashed
But that’s how it happens
Just let yourself fall, fall, fall…
In life

It’s not so much of the pains
Not so much of the bliss.
It’s all about whatever falls into my time
Of seasons unforeseen
A blessing anyhow.

[Ow! =) hehe I really like your last stanza. Nice! Maybe..this could be the start of something new with your blind date that hopefully will push throug ;) just learn from all your past stuff]